Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lovin' on baby Kason

I went down to Kanab again last weekend, taking Jacey and Kira with me. It was so warm and nice one of the days, I was wishing for shorts. We went to a playground very near my sister Michelle's house, and we also visited Coral Sand Dunes, a very beautiful place. Of course, the best times were spent lovin on that sweet baby Kason.


The Luke Family said...

How did you do your cool pics? It sounds like you guys have had some times recently. I do read your blog all the time but writting or posting takes a little longer and I don't seem have that kind of time.

Wish upon a Starr said...

The pics at the sand dunes look like it should be all sorts of HOT! I'm sure it was just right. Michelle's baby is sooo cute.

Melissa said...

Hey, look I found you! Cute pics!

Lisa said...

Congrats to Michelle! He is beautiful!

Hali said...

Awww... I like babies. And sunshine. And your darling kiddos! Glad all is well.