Okay, I've been working on how to include sharing the gospel as part of the blog. That's what really motivated me to begin it in the first place. Since it's Sunday, I'll share a scripture that I really like. But first, I'll start by saying I got to say the closing prayer in sacrament meeting today. I actually made it up to the podium and said the closing prayer. Where's the significance in that? Last time they asked me to do it, I took a crying Jacey out into the foyer to tend her and completely forgot about saying the prayer. It was a little embarrasing sitting out in the foyer and hearing a pause after the song, and then hearing a member of the bishopric say the prayer in my stead. How horrible!!!
"And now, by beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yeah, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved." Omni 1:26
I think that scripture is so poetic. I really identify with the key trying to offer your whole soul as an offering to the Savior. I have a problem with "whole." I think the way I have adapted to most of life's problems is to do everything part way. I'm all about keeping a C average. You know, keep about 75% of the laundry done, clean the house 75% of the time 75% of the way through, read just enough from the scriptures to keep me from losing the companionship of the spirit. I very rarely give my "whole" anything; it's pathetic I know. But, I do love the Lord with all of my heart. I just need to show it better. I want to be a more perfect and whole servant. The desire is 100%. I think I can come unto Christ 100%, and He will make up the deficits in other areas. (Like laundry:)
Something New
5 years ago
Great scripture. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. Gary was a little worried at church when he didn't see Jeff in sacrament at the beginning. Now you are off the hook for a bit. :)
Who's the overachiever now?!? Kidding.
Thanks for the heartfelt words. I could really put forth a little more effort myself. Desire is definitely the place to start... remember Alma 32:27... Someday "a portion" will become "whole." Someday.
But seriously... laundry 75% of the time really isn't that bad. Who needs clean clothes ALL the time :)
Lori it's Kolette I just wanted to say hi. I love the scripture. I can't believe how big Jacey looks.... Well it was good to find you. If you want to visit my blog tell Yvette and give her your email address and I will send you an invite.
Hi Lori! Cute blog! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We all jsut keep on trying. And striving is the point, right? ;)
Kolette, hi! How great to hear from you. I definitely want to check into your blog. I'll get that e-mail to Yvette. Cool.
I totally remember that time you were supposed to say the prayer!
hee hee hee....
glad you were able to do it this last time! :)
Nice scripture.
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